Thursday, December 15, 2011

programming/coding/software/computers/OSX/Windows 7/Linux/WordPress

Ruby on Rails programming language/system

Boom volume monitor

Video Tutorials for the Rest of Us - Specializing in Apple Software

Chosen: a JavaScript plugin that makes long, unwieldy select boxes much more user-friendly. It is currently available in both jQuery and Prototype flavors.

Should I Change MY Password? has been created to help the average person check if their password(s) may have been compromised and need to be changed. This site uses a number of databases that have been released by hackers to the public. No passwords are stored in the database.

Learn to Code - A Lifehacker Night & School Course

Move Your Blogs from Blogger to WordPress The Easy Way

The Ultimate Blogger Wordpress Comparison Guide

WordPress tutorial introduction "getting started"

Emacs Macro Tutorial: How to Record and Play

Running Windows on a Mac

"Take Control of Running Windows on a Mac, Fifth Edition” kicks off by helping you figure out which version of Windows you should run (XP, Vista, or 7) and which virtualization software makes sense for you (Parallels Desktop 6, VMware Fusion 3, or VirtualBox 4) or whether you should dual-boot with Apple’s Boot Camp. Next up, Joe helps you round up the necessary hardware and software, and make any obligatory preparations. Mid-way through the ebook, you’ll be making it all work right with hardware drivers installed, printers printing, anti-virus software patrolling the perimeter, and so forth. Before you finish, you’ll know how to share files between Mac and Windows installations, enjoy the snazzy new features in the latest versions of Parallels Desktop and VMware Fusion, create functional backups of your Windows installation, and generally get on with your life while using Windows.

Questions answered in the ebook include:

* What are 13 things that you can do in Windows, but not on the Mac?
* How can I get a copy of Windows that will work on a Mac?
* How can I set things up so that Windows won’t bog down my Mac’s
* How should I handle partitioning for my Windows installation?
* How can I avoid or handle activation hassles?
* What’s the best way to right-click in Windows?
* How do I make my Bluetooth devices work in Windows?
* What is FAT32, and why might it matter to me?
* What are the coolest new features in Parallels Desktop 6?
* Is VirtualBox 4 a serious contender in the world of virtualization?

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Running Mac & PC on the same computer:!5623313/how-to-run-windows-mac-and-linux-side-by-side-and-pain+free-with-virtualbox

How to Run Windows, Mac, and Linux Side by Side and Pain-Free with VirtualBox

How to Build a Hackintosh Mac and Install OS X in Eight Easy Steps

A List Apart: for people who make websites

Stackoverflow: Answer site for programmers

Site Wizard: Website design, promotion, programming and revenue making

Topcoder Programming partner site

Visual Basic Helper

Emacs Tutorial:

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